The American Journal of Comparative Law

About the Journal

The American Journal of Comparative Law was founded in 1952. As the official journal of the American Society of Comparative Law, it publishes four issues a year and is devoted to comparative and transnational legal studies – including, among other subjects, comparative law, comparative and transnational legal history and theory, private international law and conflict of laws, and the study of legal systems, cultures, and traditions other than those of the US.

In its long and rich history, The AJCL has published articles authored by scholars representing all continents, regions, and legal cultures of the world. A peer-reviewed, leading journal in the field, it has been hosted in the past by institutions such as the UC Berkeley School of Law, Columbia Law School and the University of Michigan Law School; currently, the Georgetown University Law Center and the McGill University Faculty of Law jointly serve as its host.

From our latest issue

Volume 71, Issue 4, Winter 2023


  • No Peace Without Punishment? Reintegrating Islamic State “Collaborators” in Iraq 

    Pages 989–1032,

    How does variation in the severity of punishment affect public opinion toward the reintegration of former enemy “collaborators” after war?

  • Reasonableness as Responsiveness in Administrative Law in the United States, United Kingdom, and Canada: Kant and Arendt on the Role of the Community in Deferential Judicial Review

    Pages 930–988,

    When conducting judicial review of administrative decisions using a deferential standard of review, courts should give a greater role to the decision maker’s responsiveness to the interests of the community of judgment—those directly affected by the decision.

  • The Legal Metaverse and Comparative Taxonomy: A Reappraisal

    Pages 900–929,

    The question the present Article poses is whether a fourth pattern of law is now necessary to capture the new technological state of affairs and the new geopolitical balances of power: in particular, should a rule of smart law be introduced?

  • Sovereignty, Territoriality, and Private International Law in Classical Muslim International Law

    Pages 853–899,

    Scholars in recent years have shown interest in challenging the historical origins of international law and its normative claims to universality. 

  • The War Within Religion: Towards a More Nuanced Resolution of Religion–Equality Conflicts

    Pages 789–852,

    In the United States, Canada, Israel, Australia, and many parts of Europe, conflicts between religious liberty and gender equality (including LGBTQ equality) are understood and analyzed as “culture wars.”


Helge Dedek

Associate Professor of Law and Director, Institute of Comparative Law
McGill University Faculty of Law

Franz Werro

Professor of Law
Georgetown University Law Center and University of Fribourg Faculty of Law

Book Review Editors

Richard Albert, University of Texas at Austin School of Law
Joshua Karton, Queen’s University Faculty of Law

Former Editors-in Chief

Hessel E. Yntema † (1952-1966)
B.J. George † (1966-1968)
Alfred F. Conard (1968-1970)
John G. Fleming † (1971-1987)
Richard M. Buxbaum (1987-2003)
George A. Bermann (2003-2006)
James Gordley (2003-2008)
Mathias W. Reimann (2003-2013)
James Feinerman (2014-2015)

Executive Editorial Board

Luisa Antoniolli, University of Trento Faculty of Law
Gary F. Bell, National University of Singapore Faculty of Law
Francesca Bignami, George Washington University Law School
Mauro Bussani, University of Trieste Law Department
Donald C. Clarke, George Washington University Law School
Dominique Custos, University of Caen Law School
Tom Ginsburg, University of Chicago Law School
Simone Glanert, University of Kent Law School
Hoi Kong, University of British Columbia Peter A. Allard School of Law
Máximo Langer, University of California Los Angeles School of Law
Ralf Michaels, Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law
Álvaro Santos, Georgetown University Law Center
Walter Stoffel, University of Fribourg Faculty of Law
Symeon C. Symeonides, Willamette University College of Law

Managing Editor

Paula Potter (Oxford University Press)

Articles Editor

Amber Lynch (McGill University Faculty of Law)

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