The American Journal of Comparative Law
About the Journal
The American Journal of Comparative Law was founded in 1952. As the official journal of the American Society of Comparative Law, it publishes four issues a year and is devoted to comparative and transnational legal studies – including, among other subjects, comparative law, comparative and transnational legal history and theory, private international law and conflict of laws, and the study of legal systems, cultures, and traditions other than those of the US.
In its long and rich history, The AJCL has published articles authored by scholars representing all continents, regions, and legal cultures of the world. A peer-reviewed, leading journal in the field, it has been hosted in the past by institutions such as the UC Berkeley School of Law, Columbia Law School and the University of Michigan Law School; currently, the Georgetown University Law Center and the McGill University Faculty of Law jointly serve as its host.

From our latest issue
Volume 72, Issue 1, Spring 2024
Strategic Judicial Empowerment
Pages 170–234,
When courts seek to strengthen their own institutional power, they often need to be strategic. In many fraught political contexts, judiciaries lack a history of asserting authority against powerful political actors.
The False Hope of Stewardship in the Context of Controlling Shareholders: Making Sense Out of the Global Transplant of a Legal Misfit
Pages 109–169,
In 2010, the United Kingdom issued the world’s first stewardship code. Since then, stewardship codes have been issued in many of the world’s leading economies and now exist in twenty jurisdictions on six continents, with more jurisdictions considering adopting them.
Formal vs. Informal Voluntary Disclosure Policies
Pages 75–108,
Tax administrations have long grappled with the question of how noncompliant taxpayers should be allowed to correct their tax affairs voluntarily.
Global Value Chains, Labor Rights, and the Nature of Transnational Law
Pages 33–74,
This Article develops a framework to analyze the laws that bear on working conditions in global value chains (GVCs), a production structure based on hierarchical international firm networks.
For Whose Sake and Benefit? A Critical Analysis of Leading International Treaty Proposals to Protect Nonhuman Animals
Pages 1–32,
Despite the considerable expansion of international law into virtually all areas of modern life, to date there is no international treaty in force to protect the interests of nonhuman animals.
Helge Dedek
Associate Professor of Law and Director, Institute of Comparative Law
McGill University Faculty of Law
Franz Werro
Professor of Law
Georgetown University Law Center and University of Fribourg Faculty of Law
Book Review Editors
Richard Albert, University of Texas at Austin School of Law
Joshua Karton, Queen’s University Faculty of Law
Former Editors-in Chief
Hessel E. Yntema † (1952-1966)
B.J. George † (1966-1968)
Alfred F. Conard (1968-1970)
John G. Fleming † (1971-1987)
Richard M. Buxbaum (1987-2003)
George A. Bermann (2003-2006)
James Gordley (2003-2008)
Mathias W. Reimann (2003-2013)
James Feinerman (2014-2015)
Executive Editorial Board
Luisa Antoniolli, University of Trento Faculty of Law
Gary F. Bell, National University of Singapore Faculty of Law
Francesca Bignami, George Washington University Law School
Mauro Bussani, University of Trieste Law Department
Donald C. Clarke, George Washington University Law School
Dominique Custos, University of Caen Law School
Tom Ginsburg, University of Chicago Law School
Simone Glanert, University of Kent Law School
Hoi Kong, University of British Columbia Peter A. Allard School of Law
Máximo Langer, University of California Los Angeles School of Law
Ralf Michaels, Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law
Álvaro Santos, Georgetown University Law Center
Walter Stoffel, University of Fribourg Faculty of Law
Symeon C. Symeonides, Willamette University College of Law
Managing Editor
Paula Potter (Oxford University Press)
Articles Editor
Amber Lynch (McGill University Faculty of Law)
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